Highlighter Renderer

If you wish to manually create HighlighterRenderer, you can do that with its constructor:

public HighlighterRenderer(Renderer renderer, int numberOfSubmeshes)

You can easily access and change the properties of this class from the code:

Renderer: The renderer that should be used to draw the highlight.

Use Cutout: A flag indicating whether the renderer should be drawn with cutoff.

Clipping Source: The source to use for the clipping. This can be either the albedo or the texture. Note: When drawing multiple submeshes, the albedo texture will be taken from the first submesh's material.

Clip Texture: The texture to use for clipping. This is only used if the clipping source is set to texture.

Submesh Indexes: A list of the submesh indexes that should be used to draw the highlight.

Cull Mode: The culling mode to use when drawing the highlight.

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