Highlighter Script

How to set up a highlighter?

1) Attach a Highlighter script to a game object in the scene."

2) "Add the renderers that you want to be highlighted, either by using the FindRenderers option or by adding them manually.


General Settings

Masking: A type of masking for highlighter. You can select between BehindOnly, FrontOnly, Both, and Disable. You need to setup Depth Layer in the Highlighter Manager in order to use masking.

Info Render Scale: Render the scale of the info buffer. If the render scale is set to e.g., 0.5, the highlighter buffers will be rendered with half the resolution of the camera. Use as low a number as possible to improve performance.

Outer Glow

Use Single Outer Glow: Whether to use one color for the front and back of the object (only with masking set to "Both").

Outer Glow Color: Color of the outer glow.

Outline Visible Before Object: Should the outline be visible before the object? (only with masking set to "Front" or "Back").

Blend Type: A type of blending used to blend the outer glow with the camera texture.

Blur Type: The type of algorithm used to blur the outer glow (Box Blur lets you easily lower the blur render scale without great visual impact but with a great performance boost).

Box Blur Size: The larger the box blur sample, the thicker the outer glow (only for Box Blur).

Blur Iterations: The number of iterations of the blur algorithm. Use the smallest number possible to improve performance.

Blur Render Scale: Render scale of the blur buffer. If the render scale is set to, e.g., 0.5, the outer glow will be rendered with half the resolution of the camera. Use as low value as possible to improve performance.

Blur Intensity: Visibility level of the outer glow. Increases the amount of outer glow.

Blur Intensity Multiplier: Multiplier for the Blur Intensity property.

Blur Adaptive Thickness: How much distance from the camera will impact the thickness. Makes the outer glow with gaussian blur fade out, and the box blur retains its width when the camera is moving away.

Camera Distance Multiplier: Control how fast the thickness should change based on the distance of the object from the camera.

Mesh Outline

Use Single Mesh Outline: Whether to use a single color for the object's front and back.

Color: Color of the mesh outline.

Mesh Outline Thickness: Thickness of the outline.

Mesh Outline Adaptive Thickness: How much distance from the camera will impact the thickness. As the camera moves away, the outline becomes thicker.

Inner Glow

Use Single Inner Glow: Whether to use a single color for the object's front and back.

Color: Color of the inner glow.

Power: Power of the rim used for the inner glow.


Use Single Overlay: Whether to use a single color for the object's front and back.

Color: Color of the overlay.

Use Texture: Whether to use texture for overlay patterns.

Texture: Overlay pattern texture.

Background: Overlay background opacity.

Tilling: Tilling of the overlay pattern.

Rotation: Rotation of the overlay pattern.


Find Renderers: Choose the location where the script should search for renderers. Click the button to have the script automatically find renderers.

You can also add renderers manually.

Renderer: The renderer that should be used to draw the highlight.

Use Cutout: A flag indicating whether the renderer should be drawn with cutoff.

Clipping Source: The source to use for the clipping. This can be either the albedo or the texture. Note: When drawing multiple submeshes, the albedo texture will be taken from the first submesh's material.

Clip Texture: The texture to use for clipping. This is only used if the clipping source is set to texture.

Submesh Indexes: A list of the submesh indexes that should be used to draw the highlight.

Cull Mode: The culling mode to use when drawing the highlight.

Rendering Bounds

Rendering bounds are used to minimize the amount of work that the GPU needs to do. Essentially, anything outside the bounds will not be drawn.

Show Render Bounds: Draw helper gizmos of adjusted bounds of each renderer.

Show Screen Adjusted Render Bounds: Draw helper gizmos of rendering bounds in screen space.

Rendering Bounds Size Increase: Value that the rendering bounds of the renderers should be increased to avoid outer glow clipping.

Rendering Bounds Distance Fix: Fix rendering bounds when the camera is near the center of rendering bounds.

Rendering Bounds Max Distance Fix: Upper limit of the distance of the camera and the center of rendering bounds when the distance fix will be applied.

Rendering Bounds Min Distance Fix: Lower limit of the distance of the camera and the center of rendering bounds when the distance fix will be applied.

Last updated