Shader Graph

You can easily modify the existing World Alchemy FX shader graphs and integrate its features into your own shader graphs.

All shader graphs utilized by the asset can be located in INab Studio\World Alchemy\Core URP\Shaders

Example shader graphs containing various shaders with World Dissolve logic added on top can be found in: INab Studio\World Alchemy\Core URP\Shaders\Examples

Editing Your Shader Graphs

Each shader graph used in the World Alchemy asset has properties divided into categories. The default category contains all the default settings, such as base map, color, normals map, etc.

These properties are utilized with the Standard Lit Properties node.

When you want to incorporate specific World Dissolve functionality, you need to copy all properties from categories other than the Default. You can achieve this by dragging and dropping selected categories onto the blackboard of the other shader graph.

Now, you can select the nodes with the functionality you want to add to your own shaders and copy them.

Position displacement utilizes a custom interpolator to preserve the vertex position before displacement. You should create a custom interpolator in your shader graph, change it to Vector3, and use it as the Absolute World Position. However, this step is not necessary.

To add a custom interpolator, simply click on the vertex stage and press the spacebar.

Different effects have different nodes and structures. Essentially, you can copy the nodes from the World Dissolve shader and apply them after all of your other logic to the specific output (alpha, albedo, emission).

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