Objects Fade


Fade Targets utilize the Opacity option, and the materials use the See Through Object Fade shader.

How To Use It

Continuation of the "How To Use It" section from Detect Fade Targets.

Turn on the Use Opacity option, and add Opacity Renderers (all renderers you want to fade).

All materials of all opacity renderers need to use the See Through Object Fade shader.

You can modify your own shader graphs, to support World Dissolve. See Shader Graph.

Ensure Alpha Clipping is enabled in the material.

Test whether changing the opacity of the material works by adjusting the _Opacity slider. Adjust the Opacity Max Remap so the opacity changes smoothly from 0 to 1, where 0 is not visible and 1 is fully visible.

Go back to the See Through Detect and add the fade target you've just set up.

Now everything is set up properly. You can adjust the Minimal Opacity in the material, and when the object is between the camera and the player, it gets faded.

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