Tips & FAQ

Common Issues

Ellipse Scales Near 0 When using the ellipse mask, ensure that the scale of any axis is not near 0 to prevent the Signed Distance Function (SDF) from breaking.

Shaders Work in Editor but Not in Build If shaders work in the editor but not in the build, the issue might be due to Unity's shader stripper. Ensure that if you're creating materials with World Alchemy shaders, the shader variant you're using is included in the build. You can add the shader to the "Always Included Shaders" tab in the graphics settings. Also, if you have multiple instances of World Dissolve scripts in your scene, try hitting the refresh button on each one to ensure that all materials have the correct keywords enabled.

Effects Disappear When Moving Camera This problem is caused by the SRP batcher. When multiple different materials use the same shader and keywords, the SRP batcher recognizes them as one material, which might cause the dissolve effect to disappear when moving the camera.

Displacement Doesn't Work in Runtime To make the displacement feature work on a game object, it needs to be marked as NOT STATIC.

Problems with Smooth Dissolve The smooth dissolve shader type can be used with either transparent or opaque surface types. The hints in the script's inspector should help you understand which setting you need to use in your material. Dithering is generally a better option to choose since transparent objects may have depth testing and sorting issues.

See Through Doesn't Work Make sure that you've added colliders to the game objects and that the layer of the objects and detection layer mask are set up properly.

I Don't Want the Effect to Affect Shadows In the material renderer, you can set the cast shadows property to 'shadows only'. The shadows only objects need to have materials different from World Dissolve materials. You can create two scenes with the same duplicated meshes, one scene will have renderers with only shadow casters that use standard shaders, and the second one that is used for rendering that uses the World Dissolve shader.

I Want to Change Keywords of Only Selected Materials There is no option for that. You need to create a new World Dissolve script.

Round See Through Lags You need to use the manual update camera option in the See Through Helper. Make sure not to focus on any other Unity windows inside the editor, as this might also cause lags.

I Want to Add More Keywords to Shader Graphs Using World Dissolve In order to do that, you'll need to delete some of the keywords that the World Dissolve asset uses since the shader variants are already maxed out.

Long Build Times The first build with the World Dissolve shaders might take some time since the asset contains a lot of shaders, each one with multiple keywords. You can mitigate this issue by modifying the shader graphs, either by deleting keyword options you do not use or changing keyword types from multi-compile to shader feature (if you are not changing any keywords at runtime).

Moving Masks Around the Scene Set the 'Tool Handle Position' to 'Pivot'.

My Shader Graphs Are Producing Errors or Glitches Sometimes, Unity can unexpectedly break complicated shader graphs without any apparent reason. In such cases, it's recommended to reimport the graphs to resolve any issues.

Errors in the Console in the Build If you experience errors while building your game due to the dissolve shaders, try opening and saving the graphs to update them to the version of Unity that you use.

Last updated